Film Services FAQs
What sort of services do you offer?
Revolution has supported film, TV, and photo shoots since 2005 with specialized equipment and services tuned into these industries unique needs. Our flatbed trikes enable the camerman and sound man to team up and execute shots on bridges, in parks, and other spots in which motor vehicles are either inappropriate or simply illegal; in fact, we’ve rolled with up to four team members at a time on our flatbeds. As well, we offer crew support services with our pickup trikes and pedicabs – you can roll all of your equipment in our pickup trikes and/or freight trikes, while talent, management, et cetera can roll in one or more cabs. Also, moving people and equipment between the shot and the on-street operations HQ is valued by crews.
How many people/how much weight can a rickshaw carry?
Pedicabs carry up to three people. For plus-sized persons, we recommend going with two people per cab. All our trikes are rated to carry up to 550 pounds; we can haul heavier loads on occasion, but we don’t like to do so too often – we don’t want to stress out our trikes. Most of our cargo boxes, flatbeds, and pickup trikes measure about 3 feet wide and 4 feet long.
How fast do the rickshaws travel?
We unscientifically estimate that dudes on trikes average about 6 miles per hour. Not bad, considering that the average speed for motor vehicles in Manhattan is about 9 mph – and their average speed crosstown is just 4.5 mph. They’re perfect for capturing runners, bikers, and others moving through city streets, in parks, on bridges, inside stadia, and elsewhere.
Where do your rickshaws operate? Are the rickshaws only available in Manhattan?
We’ve travelled all over the metro area for shoots – Connecticut to shoot on a covered bridge rated for bikes and pedestrians only, Brooklyn for a Fort Greene shot, and myriad Manhattan locations. Have wheels, will travel!