The Strength to Move Melons
A few weeks ago, when Gregg was shopping at the Union Square Greenmarket, he ran into Shelley Rogers, director of the delightful, dirt-defending documentary What’s Organic About Organic? Turned out she needed a load of organic Florida watermelons delivered to six Manhattan restaurants below 59th Street, as part of a promotion for the film’s week-long NYC premiere (yes, the premiere is now over – but you can still host a screening of your own). So, on Monday, June 22nd, two of RR’s crack cargo couriers set out to distribute a few hundred pounds of mouth-watering fruit (we know it was mouthwatering because, um, one of the melons, um, “fell off the back of the trike”). RR did, yes, breathe a sigh of relief when RR received confirmation that the melons were going to be transported from Hunts Point to our depot by a vehicle boasting eighteen wheels, instead of three.

Intrepid RR Courier #1

Intrepid RR Courier #2

Unloading Melons at Fatty Crab
And speaking of watermelons – we’re growing some at Lincoln Tunnel Farm!

See the baby melon in the foreground?