Hit the road, frack, and don’t you come back….
Unless you’ve been hiding under the Marcellus Shale, you’ve probably heard the uproar about hydro-fracking. It’s a chemically intensive process used to release natural gas from underground deposits. If fracking is allowed in upstate New York, it will contaminate New York City’s water supply and make it impossible for local growers to continue to raise organic fruits, vegetables, and livestock in the area (try growing pure food with poisoned water).
Being less than a big fan of fossil-fuel extraction and the damage it causes (what’s worse than dependence on foreign fossil fuels? dependence on local fossil fuels!), I felt compelled to attend the anti-fracking rally outside 26 Federal Plaza last Monday evening (aimed at the HQ of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the swing vote on the council that will decide whether or not to frack in the Delaware River Basin).
Some views from the front:

Oil...natural gas...you know the drill....

The crowd fluctuated between ~70 and ~120 people.

Cutest sign...

Funniest sign...

Sign closest to RR's heart: "Healthy Energy" Yay, pedal power!
Next rally? Same place (26 Federal Plaza), different time: 9 A.M. on Friday, March 11.
For more info, visit frackaction.com or catskillcitizens.org.