Permits, Parsnips & Paradise
The numbers are in: As of December 29, 2009 (according to The New York Times) 889 pedicab license plates had been issued, while only 474 drivers had applied for pedicab licenses. That means there are almost 2 pedicabs for every driver – aspiring or actual – in New York City. (I don’t have much to say about that ratio at the moment – I just wanted to follow up on previous estimates with precise figures.)
Here at Revolution we are gearing up for Winter CSA Home Delivery, Part I (of IV). Tomorrow (Wednesday) between 6 and 10pm a select cadre of perspicacious Manhattanites will receive a box brimming with such cold-weather delights as parsnips, carrots, potatoes, garlic, beets, and eggs. Team Revolution has signed up for its own share, so we’re excited not only to kick off this cool new service, but also to roast up some of them there premium Norwich Meadows Farm root vegetables!
In other news, Team Revolution has also been industriously cleaning up the depot. We’ve been shipping out trikeloads of detritus, and rearranging what remains. Paired with itinerant pedicabbie Mike Salas’ gorgeous goldenrod paint job, our efforts in the direction of radical reorganization have resulted in a serene, sparkling work environment (well, something like that). All we have to do now is persuade RR’s esteemed friends and renters that enticing junk discovered on the curb while out triking…IS BEST LEFT ON THE CURB! God grant us the strength to haul large, bulky items via pedal power – and the restraint to employ it judiciously.

RR marketing + relic of past battles + gorgeous goldenrod wall