Revolution in the News
During Bike Month 2010, RR hosted its inaugural Organic Transport for New York event at The Commons, in Brooklyn. Turns out the audience member typing furiously on his laptop and asking all kinds of incisive questions was in fact the articulate and perspicacious Chris Hunt, who writes for EcoCentric (“a blog about food, water and energy”). The fruits of his labors, titled Rethinking Local Food Distribution: Revolution on Three Wheels are now available for your reading enjoyment.
Thanks, Chris! RR thinks your “Awesomeness Factor” is pretty high too!
Also at our Bike Month event, RR received some great audience suggestions for a new name for our cargo vehicle – we were looking for something that conveys its brawn, and also its reliance on pedal power. One that’s stuck with us is freight trike, the contribution of Adam Horwitch, Brooklyn-based rooftop farmer and transport buff.
A belated three-wheeled thank-you, by the way, to all who attended. And if you’re an educator/event organizer/conference maven looking for panelists or presenters from the cutting edge of organic transport – you know whom to call!

Mmm...hauling organic matter via organic transport...