Scenes from Midtown Today


RR’s MD put in a few hours on the road today, shuttling people to and fro, around and about Midtown Manhattan – per his usual practice. The Saturday struggle yielded little fruit, as is typical this time of year.

The streets of Manhattan in the summertime slow down compared with fall and spring action – particularly on the weekends. Whereas Friday evenings are the best ones in which to practice pedicabbing in the fall and spring, critical evenings to ride in the summertime are Tuesdays through Thursdays. Saturdays? Well, for street practitioners, summer Saturdays typically are trying—at best.

So it was today.

In between rides, I snapped a few photos of the goings on, including one of a Checkers Cab deployed for a wedding at the New York Public Library’s main branch.

If yer gonna guzzle gas on yer wedding day, may as well be in this classic getup?

If yer gonna guzzle gas on yer wedding day, may as well be in this classic getup?

Here’s a look at the classic Checkers from a bit closer up.

One of the inspirations for the checkers adorning RR's pedicabs!

One of the inspirations for the checkers adorning RR's pedicabs!

Also espied today was one of our friendly competitors’ Daisy pedicab for Marc Jacobs.

A Marc Jacobs' Daisy pedicab rolls uptown

A Marc Jacobs' Daisy pedicab rolls uptown

In Velo Veritas