How do you get to pretzel heaven? By trike, of course!


In early October I posted about RR’s adventures helping the eco-transport enthusiasts at Sigmund Pretzelshop to set up their booth at the Arsenal press conference for new Central Park food vendors. Now – finally! – we have pictures! Doesn’t the trike look eco-adorable? And don’t those pretzels look delicious?

The Strength to Move Melons


A few weeks ago, when Gregg was shopping at the Union Square Greenmarket, he ran into Shelley Rogers, director of the delightful, dirt-defending documentary What’s Organic About Organic? Turned out she needed a load of organic Florida watermelons delivered to six Manhattan restaurants below 59th Street, as part of a promotion for the film’s week-long… Continue Reading

We’re going to hear Richard Register…


…and we think it would be great if you came too! He’s speaking this Wednesday (March 31st) at 7:30pm at The Commons (388 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn). The title of his presentation is “No wars, no cars: Ecocities according to Richard Register.” Buy tickets ($15) here. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up… Continue Reading