Sustainability Speakers Series – Transportation Event Next Wednesday in Brooklyn


RR is honored to have been given the opportunity to participate in the Transportation installment of Green Edge NYC‘s Sustainability Speakers Series, co-sponsored by Farm City as part of its Chautauqua Assemblies. We’re especially thrilled to be sharing presenting duties with Elena Santogade, Director of Membership for Transportation Alternatives, and Wendy Brawer of Green Map… Continue Reading

How does your garden go?


Spring time is gardening time, and spring is just two short weeks away! If you’re gardening in the city – and your garden is of any size – chances are you need to schlep stuff. Some of the stuff you might need to schlep – compost, plants, planters – won’t fit in your arms, or… Continue Reading

Hit the road, frack, and don’t you come back….


Unless you’ve been hiding under the Marcellus Shale, you’ve probably heard the uproar about hydro-fracking. It’s a chemically intensive process used to release natural gas from underground deposits. If fracking is allowed in upstate New York, it will contaminate New York City’s water supply and make it impossible for local growers to continue to raise… Continue Reading