How does your garden go?


Spring time is gardening time, and spring is just two short weeks away! If you’re gardening in the city – and your garden is of any size – chances are you need to schlep stuff. Some of the stuff you might need to schlep – compost, plants, planters – won’t fit in your arms, or… Continue Reading

How do you get to pretzel heaven? By trike, of course!


In early October I posted about RR’s adventures helping the eco-transport enthusiasts at Sigmund Pretzelshop to set up their booth at the Arsenal press conference for new Central Park food vendors. Now – finally! – we have pictures! Doesn’t the trike look eco-adorable? And don’t those pretzels look delicious?

The Strength to Move Melons


A few weeks ago, when Gregg was shopping at the Union Square Greenmarket, he ran into Shelley Rogers, director of the delightful, dirt-defending documentary What’s Organic About Organic? Turned out she needed a load of organic Florida watermelons delivered to six Manhattan restaurants below 59th Street, as part of a promotion for the film’s week-long… Continue Reading

Basis’s RR Eco-Transport Program Grows


Our partnership with Basis: Good Food to You is nearing the 100 weekly customer mark, which is exciting news for Team RR. Began in earnest in March of this year, the RR delivery program for Basis is adding tomorrow Monday 14 June 2010 a second weekly delivery date to the current Thursday-only schedule accommodate growth… Continue Reading