Sometimes a trike comes in handy…


…for example, when you’re a food vendor participating in a press conference at the Arsenal in Central Park, and you can’t park right at the entrance to unload your stuff. Sigmund Pretzelshop, one of RR’s esteemed delivery customers, is about to set up shop at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, peddling their “properly chewy” (Florence… Continue Reading

Do you believe in freedom?


That is, the freedom to walk a pedicab over an NYC bridge (rather than load it into a gas-guzzling motor vehicle), in order to provide eco-positive passenger transport to the noble folk of the outer boroughs. If so, please attend a fundraiser Monday night, August 9, to help fund the legal battle to keep this… Continue Reading

Revolution in the News


During Bike Month 2010, RR hosted its inaugural Organic Transport for New York event at The Commons, in Brooklyn. Turns out the audience member typing furiously on his laptop and asking all kinds of incisive questions was in fact the articulate and perspicacious Chris Hunt, who writes for EcoCentric (“a blog about food, water and… Continue Reading

The Strength to Move Melons


A few weeks ago, when Gregg was shopping at the Union Square Greenmarket, he ran into Shelley Rogers, director of the delightful, dirt-defending documentary What’s Organic About Organic? Turned out she needed a load of organic Florida watermelons delivered to six Manhattan restaurants below 59th Street, as part of a promotion for the film’s week-long… Continue Reading