Learn about lithium-ion battery repairs from our in-house expert


lithium ion battery repairs

Lithium-ion batteries are commercially available for many purposes. In the cycling world, LIBs are used to power electric-assist systems for bikes, scooters, and trikes.  Compared to lead-acid batteries, LIBs are significantly lighter.  The trade-off? They are more expensive. Without a viable LIB repair service, worktrike operators replace damaged batteries with expensive new LIBs; with a… Continue Reading

Good Brother Makes a Custom FilmTrike


Good Brother, a Brooklyn-based video production company, recently purchased a Cycles Maximus flatbed trike from Revolution. After bringing it back to their headquarters, Good Brother proceeded to outfit the flatbed just so to meet specific industry needs. Being video people, they filmed the buildout process for our viewing pleasure. Trikurious spoke with Good Brother co-founder Jake… Continue Reading

Chinatown Film Logistics, Take One

Pedicab NYC Logistics

Recently Trikurious attempted some amateur street video by mounting an iPhone to the handlebars of my bike.  A plethora of issues arose immediately.  The mounting gear did not have a strong enough grip on the phone, and even if it did the screen still shook at every bump in the road.   Film and video… Continue Reading